LoFi Weekly Licensing: Free and Clear Usage Rights for Producers
Licensing Notice for LoFi Weekly

Royalty-Free Samples
Welcome to LoFi Weekly, the ultimate platform for lofi music producers seeking free high-quality sample packs! We take immense pleasure in confirming that all audio samples available on our platform are 100% royalty-free. This means you can use them in any of your projects, personal or commercial, without worrying about owing us a penny or facing legal issues later.
No Notice Requirement
Additionally, there is no requirement to credit LoFi Weekly or any original creator when you use our samples. They are yours to use freely, amplify, and integrate into your masterpieces as you see fit.
Unlimited Usage
Once you’ve downloaded our samples, they’re yours to keep and use in perpetuity. This includes unlimited use in commercial projects, without any restrictions on sales, listeners, or platforms.
Key Points
- 100% Royalty-Free: No need to pay any fees for the commercial or personal use of our samples.
- No Attribution Required: Use the samples as if you created them, no need to credit us or any original creator.
- Unrestricted Use: No caps on sales, audience size, or the number of projects you can use our samples in.
By downloading any sample from LoFi Weekly, you are agreeing to these terms. We have taken reasonable efforts ensure that all our samples are free from any copyright claims and are safe for use in your projects.
Enjoy creating!